Our services
Repair services
We keep you connected We repair and refurbish mobile phones and other complex electronic appliances of established and up-and-coming tech brands. We provide immediate expert support to ensure your customers or employees are reconnected and reachable again quickly. See how this service can enhance the customer experience.
Insurance services
A comprehensive range of innovative process-supporting solutions. Policy management, claim processing as well as repairs, exchanges, stock management and pick-up or drop-off of mobile phones and other electronic devices at a time chosen by your customer or employee. We turn your customers and employees into fans.
Mobility & Lifecycle
Complete asset management solutions for mobile devices in accordance with a circular model with a focus on people, society and the planet. We offer this service with both central rollout and migration projects, and staff arrivals and departures. From configuration to data destruction, removal and social initiatives. Top-notch service.
InHome services
Our expert certified engineers are standing by to support customers and employees with the assembly, fitting, installation and repair of electronic appliances. We do that in people’s homes or at your business customers. See how we extend the life of electronic appliances and so enhance the customer experience.
We help your organization set up a circular business model built around Refuse, Rethink and Reduce to contribute to a sustainable economy. We reduce the total number of products needed in a process or chain by extending their life, using and reusing different materials, and designing products differently.
How can we help you?

Delivery, pick-up and exchange

Claim management & Policy management

Device asset management & configuration


Installation, fitting, maintenance

Repair & refurbishment

Certified data wiping

Diagnostics & Grading


Callcenter / support

Aftersales service
We provide a comprehensive aftersales service for your complex and valuable electronics. We take care of everything. From management to repair, from customer contacts to logistics services, from recycling to social initiatives. Together with the other business units of DynaGroup we service manufacturers, (e-)retailers, telecom operators, insurers, banks, lease companies and other businesses and organizations day in, day out. That partnership makes us the fastest, most reliable and most innovative aftersales service and supply chain partner for the businesses and their customers.
Challenge us
As innovative “behind-the-scenes partner” we work hard to ensure your customers stay connected while getting the ultimate customer experience. Plus we constantly develop new and reliable aftersales service management solutions. In doing so, we always look at things from the perspective of your organization, your revenue models and, of course, your customers. Got an issue in your supply chain or business model? Challenge our Friction Hunters!
Friction Hunter

fric·tion hun·ter (noun; plural: friction hunters)
Someone who hunts for friction and unreliability in a process or service.
The goal of a friction hunter is to identify and smooth away sources of friction in the process. These may be small details that can be easily rectified or major issues that require a project. But how do you find sources of friction in a process and how can you recognize them. This is what our team of friction hunters is specialized in. It’s mission is to constantly improve the customer journey. Because a friction-free process ultimately leads to satisfied, loyal customers.
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Not a business customer? Dynafix repairs smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops, cameras, LCD TV, as well as e-bikes, scooters and coffee machines. Click here for more information.